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Become a Partner

Become a Partner


Our partners are corporations, foundations and organizations. They are governors, mayors and other public officials. They are celebrities and everyday people. They are creative and inspiring and have partnered with us to find innovative ways to help Hawaii’s young people reach their full potential. We are grateful to all of the generous individuals and organizations that support our programs. If your organization is interested in supporting our programs, through a program sponsorship or partnership, please contact us at

Become a Partner

Community Partners

We believe it takes an island to help support our students and we welcome partnerships to provide unique programs for students and new experiences for them to participate in. Here are some ways you can partner with us:

  • Provide programming opportunities for our students
  • Host students at your work office and teach them about career opportunities
  • Bring a team of volunteers to our athletics events or sponsor an All-Star sports team for the season
  • Host a field trip for our students

If you have other ideas, please contact us to set up a meeting.

All-Star Supporters

Our supporters are passionate about their involvement with After-School All-Stars Hawaii and are making a difference in the lives of more than 2,300 children every year. All of our programs are offered free of charge for students, so we are fortunate to have supportive investors and sponsors who help to fund program opportunities for All-Star students.

Mahalo to our current and past sponsors, foundations and corporation for investing in All-Stars so we can continue our mission in Hawaii. Interested in being an ASAS Hawaii supporter? Contact us today.


After-School Alliance
After-School All-Stars – National
Applegate Natural and Organic Meat
Brain and Yoga Tai Chi
Common Grace
First Tee of Hawaii
Foster Grandparent Program
Girls to Women
Hawaii After-School Alliance
Hawaii Agricultural Foundation
Hawaii Food Basket
Hawaii Island Humane Society
Hawaii Seamsters Union
Hawaii State 4-H
Hawaii Youth Summit
Hawaiian Humane Society
Honolulu Fire Department
Honolulu Police Department
Honolulu Zoo
Island Archers LLC
Ka’u Bay Clinic
Kaka’ako Kasuals
Kanu Hawaii
Kartoon Channel
Ka’u Hospital
Lights on After-School
Malama Aina
Malama Mentors
Mana Maoli
Mental Health Hawaii
Mondelez Foundation
Motiv8 Foundation
National Youth Preparedness Initiative
Positive Coaching Alliance
Special Olympics Hawaii
Tobacco Prevention and Control Trust Fund
United States Tennis Association Hawaii
Volcano School of Arts and Science
Youth ESD Prevention Program


21st Century Community Learning Centers
Aloha United Way
City & County of Honolulu
Friends of Hawaii Charities, Inc.
Hawaii Community Foundation
Hawaii County
Hawaii Department of Education
Kamehameha Schools
McInerny Foundation
PWH Educational Foundation
State of Hawaii

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