School Year 2023-2024
Quarter 4
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Dear Parent/Guardian: Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. The information you provide will better help us understand the needs of your children.
What All-Star program is your student registered for? *
Please select the grade your child is in: *
On average, how many days per week does your child attend After-School All-Stars? *
After-School All-Stars... *
Donʻt Know a safe place for my child.
...keeps me well informed about after-school activities.
...provides quality activities that meet my childʻs interests and talents, such as sports, dance, art, etc.
...invites me to hōʻike or other events.
...motivates my child to do better at school.
...has helped improve my childʻs general attitude about school.
...helped me learn about the after-school program and how I can support my child.
...staff are respectful and helpful.
...staff care about my child.
Overall, I am very satisfied with ASAS in providing my child with a safe and supportive after-school experience.
Please check any and all events you have attended or that your child has participated in with After-School All-Stars Hawaii:
Please add any additional comments, questions or suggestions here:
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